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School Board Approves Purchase of New Security Scanners, General Fund Transfer


By: Jeremy Handel, Staff Writer |

Thanks to a state grant, Woodruff Middle School will soon receive a new set of security scanners like those at the high school, which will increase student safety.

The Spartanburg County School District Four Board of Trustees unanimously approved the purchase of five new Opengate metal detectors, adding the four systems already used at the high school. Acting Superintendent Dr. Aaron Fulmer told board members that some of the new gates would be used at the middle school and at the football stadium.

The new systems will be purchased at a cost of $106,595, which will be fully funded by a security-focused grant from the State of South Carolina.

The Board also approved the transfer of up to $8 million from the district general fund to the construction fund. The funds can be used for capital purchases, repair and maintenance projects, and other construction-related items. The move puts the funds in an area that can more readily benefit the district at this point and can be transferred back to the general fund if the need arises.

Assistant Superintendent of Business and Finance Chris Benfield also presented a preliminary budget for the 2024-25 district ahead of the June 24 public hearing and budget meeting. The budget is expected to increase by approximately $3 million, or 9%, compared to this year’s budget. The main increases will be in salaries and benefits and repairs and maintenance.

Benfield also presented the preliminary budgets for R.D. Anderson, McCarthy Teszler, and the alternative school, all of which will see similar increases in salaries and benefits. None of the increases will result in tax increases for local residents. The final budget will be presented at the budget meeting later this month.

During an executive session, the Board discussed a change order for a curbing and pavement project at the new high school. Subsequently, they approved a $422,000 change order to complete the project related to the spring sports athletic fields drive and parking area.

In-school reports:
Woodruff Primary School announced that Special Education Assistant Sandra Gilliam was named student support staff member of the year; Cafeteria Manager Jenny Lynn Thackston was a support staff member of the year; and Resource Teacher Kaci Buhler was Teacher of the Year.

Woodruff Elementary School teacher Casey Kendrick was named Teacher of the Year. Student awards included Leahann Miles’s Victory Award, Skyler Collen’s Hanna Lister Horizon Award, Kinsley Morgan’s Jon Bolt Award, and Lillian Williams’s Lena Kirstein Award.

Woodruff Middle School named Meredith Ard Teacher of the Year, Alisa Laster Support Staff of the Year, and Staci Howard “High’ly” dedicated to WMS. The school also recognized Selena Turnipseed, Bryan McConnell, Jennifer Smith, and Staci Howard for 25 years of service and Gail High for 40 years of service.
Woodruff High School announced a successful Awards Day and Yearbook Tailgate Day, celebrating academic, athletic, and artistic achievements, including Mrs. Morris, Coach Brooks, and Coach Duckett all spending time in the dunk tank.

The school board meets at 6 p.m. on the first Monday of each month at the district office, and the meetings are open to the public. The next meeting will be a special meeting, including a public hearing, to consider the budget for the coming year and will be held on Monday, June 24, at 6 p.m. There will be no regular meeting held in July.

Author: Tracy Sanders

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